Daily Maverick Reader Covenant

October 2009

These are our promises to you, and what we expect from you in return.

Give us a tiny slice of your time and we’ll give you the world. We’ll also throw in a whole lot of fun, just to sweeten the deal.

In the background, there’s a whole lot more to it, of course, but that’s all just detail. Daily Maverick exists to provide you with the news, analysis, insight and opinion that you need. Whether you’re required to make big decisions or just want to hold your own over lunchtime conversation, we’ll provide the tools.

Here’s another promise: we won’t ever waste your time. We don’t let algorithms decide what is important and what is not. Our journalists and editors are humans, and some of the best and most experienced ones around at that. They’ve spent decades refining the craft and, by now, they’re pretty good at it.

The result is a service that will tell you what happened yesterday, what’s happening now and what’s going to happen today and tomorrow – and what it all means. The important stuff is all here. But we realise you may need more than that. So we’ll provide you with the social currency you need to talk to your friends about that big game yesterday, or to talk to your office buddies about what the world’s, and South Africa’s, next move is going to be. And we’re not going to let you be ignorant about the latest in arts and culture or science and technology either.

We will always be serious about you being a knowledgeable and fun person.

We’ll do all of that for you, day in and day out, and we’ll do it with the greatest of integrity. Nobody will ever pay for our opinions, no matter the size of the chequebook. We will never sell your private information, or let somebody else dictate our agenda, or conspire behind your back.

You, dear reader, are at the very centre of the Daily Maverick universe.